
I’ve been scribbling since I was a child. Whether drawings or letters, my hand has always loved the feel of a pencil. Sadly, I’ve always held the pencil too tightly to draw beautiful pictures or whimsical cartoons; I feel better in front of a drafting board.

My writing takes many forms, both informal and formal. I have always preferred starting my writing with pencil in hand rather than on a screen. But it’s the 21st century and everything changes.

Today, I rarely have the opportunity to scribble, but feel I need a space in which to do it. scribblings is that venue. Enjoy.

adventures: ruminations on life

palimpsest: ruminations on the richness of heritage

reinhabitation: ruminations on the reinvention of historic resources

stewardship: ruminations on the safeguarding of heritage

stonebridge: business ruminations and resources, including the mythconceptions series

all galleries: filter scribblings to include only photo illustrations

all writings: filter scribblings to include only commentary

to howardkeep: learn more about me


Layer study of Sheffield Farms-Slawson-Decker Stable in Manhattanville
Layer study of Sheffield Farms-Slawson-Decker Stable in Manhattanville


note on content & intellectual property
I respect the rights and intellectual property of others, and I ask my readers to do the same. Icons used in relation to writings for Stonebridge Learning are made by or derived from Freepik from www.flaticon.com and are licensed by CC 3.0 BY. Stonebridge Learning logo designed by Thornewerx. Unless otherwise noted, all other commentary and illustrations on scribblings is owned, controlled, or licensed by or to barbara a.m. howard or Stonebridge Learning and is protected by trade dress, copyright, and various other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws. Where applicable, I have made every effort to cite or link to material I reference under the fair use clauses for criticism, teaching, scholarship, and/or research purposes. If you feel your copyrighted work has been misrepresented or used in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Posts prior to September 2016 have been back-dated.